Tuesday, June 24, 2008

To Grandma's House We Go

When we first got to Grandma's, the little boys thought it was lunch time, again.

Simon ate Cheetos while he sat in Grandma's lap.

Then, Grandma had a special treat. Our cousin Danny set up a small pool on the back porch.

They had a BLAST!

Then Danny got in the pool too. All that hard work of pool setting up deserved a dip.

Danny brought out some toys.

And then it was time splash and play.

I love to see my boys smile and play.

Elijah was trying to throw waster on Olivia.



Then, as Grandma's usually do, a huge meal was laid out before us.

Simon and Olivia enjoy their roast, beans, rice and veggies. It was so good!

Elijah ate all his dinner and then some of mine.

The Lord grant you Peace and Grace!!!

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