Monday, July 28, 2008

Products Update

Below are the most recent pictures of our All Natural Health and Body products. If you have any questions or would like to order something you see, please e-mail me or leave a comment! All of our products are based on God's design for our body and His creation. Our products are designed to alleviate to symptoms, but more importantly to deal with the root problem, just like Christ dealt with the penalty and the power of sin on the cross. Have a blessed day.

Respiratory Relief- Salve for the relief of coughs, some sinus problems and congestion. Great for traveling. 4 oz. - $17 Pink Himalayan Salt- An excellent salt for cooking, body scrubs and body soaks. 3 oz. - $6

Ultra Underarm- An all natural deodorant in 3 scents. Pine for men, Luscious Lavender and Purity for women. I've had great reviews on this! 2.5 oz. - $8, not picutred 1.9 oz. - $6.00 Face Friend- An astringent for all skins types for face and body. 4 oz. $8

Tummy Tamer- Oils to put on the tummy to help relieve pains, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. 10 mL - $7

Muscle Mover- Oils to put on soar muscles to ease pain and help restore movement. Excellent, excellent reviews for this product. 10 mL - $7

Joint Joy - a strong blend of several herbs and oils for the relief of arthritis and other joint maladies. I had one lady tell me she was going to kiss me because of how well this worked for her. :) 4 oz. - $15

Samaritan's Salve - Burns, bruises, cuts, scrapes, rashes and the like can all be helped with this salve. I've gotten great reviews about the effectiveness of this product! 2 oz. - $7, 4 oz. - $14

African Black Soap -A skin nutrient rich, soft soap. Beneficial to all skins types, especially the sensitive or dry types. $3.50 per package.

Baby Bottom- Organic baby powder or dusting powder. I also sprinkle this on the carpet occasionally because it smells so good. 7 oz. - $10.00

Lip Love- This all natural lip softener is great! Helps soften and smooth dry, cracked lips with looking like you been kissing the grease pot. .5 oz. - $2, 1 oz. - $4

Wound Wash- Antiseptic, pain-relieving spray that is convenient to use and all natural. Helps promoting healing immediately. 4 oz. - $8

Respiratory Relief- This is the liquid version of the salve. It also is great for coughs and congestion and other respiratory and sinus problems. 4 oz. - $17

Hiney Helper- Promotes healing of the sensitive skin of babies and toddlers. Fights against diaper rash and irritation. One of our most popular products, this all natural spray goes well beyond the diaper. I spray my hands after changing diapers, I spray in the hair of my kids if it needs to freshened up. 4 oz. - $8

Also, I'm going to start making a castille, lye soap in the near future. In our test lab (the real world) we are currently trying out a new insect repellent (looking VERY promising), and an after bite skin soother in case you forgot to put the repellent on.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Devil's Beattitude

1. Blessed are those who are too tired, too busy, too distracted to gather once a week with their fellow Christians - they are my best workers.

2. Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and then expect to be thanked - I can use them.

3. Blessed are the touchy, who stop going to church - they are my missionaries.

4. Blessed are the trouble makers - they shall be called my children.

5. Blessed are the complainers - I'm all ears to them.

6. Blessed are those who are bored with the church services - for they are not edified during the service.

7. Blessed is the church member who expects to be invited to his own church - for he is a part of the problem instead of the solution.

8. Blessed are those who gossip - for they shall cause strife and division, which please me.

9. Blessed are those who are easily offended - for they will soon get angry and quit.

10. Blessed are those who do not give their time and money to carry on God's work - for they are my helpers.

11. Blessed is he who professes to love god, but hates his brother and sister - for he shall be with me forever.

12. Blessed are you who, when you read this, think about other people and not yourself - I've got you too!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Beulah, our new dairy goat!

We would like for everyone to meet our new goat, Beulah! We got her from Sweet Grass Dairy in Thomasville.

This few are pictures from our visit to Sweet Grass Dairy to pick her out on Friday. On Monday, Tanner, the Little Boys and I picked her up and brought her home.

After a lovely afternoon at the May's home, we brought her home. She jumped the fence in the first 2 seconds. Thankfully, I had her tied also. But it tear up the fence.

Figuring she may be lonely after being moved from a herd situation, we let her stay on the porch.

Which eventually turned into the living room! We did put down a big tarp and keep her confined.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, she still was moving around, so put her back outside.

During the few short hours she was out there between 1 a.m. and her feeding, she knocked down her shelter, and tore up 2 more sections of fencing.

The fence is torn our other post if you can't see it.

So we set out to rebuild!

Paige, the boys and I put this together on the fly.

I nailed the plywood to the fence posts.

Then used some of the leftover PVC to attach the tarp to.

Then we pulled the tarp tight over the plywood and it became a shelter, which she likes, I think.

Beulah is expected to kid within the next month. So we'll have our own fresh milk to drink and make cheese and ice cream and other things. As we try to become for self-sufficient and less dependent on world's system, we learning a lot about our Heavenly Father. Both goats and chickens are mentioned in the Bible and are used to help describe our relationship with our Savior. We're so appreciative and humbled by the care the Lord is providing for our family. Beulah is very sweet, very pregnant and she was a very good deal!

Our New Chickens and Their New Homes

Last week, we were blessed by God when he gave us 7 more biddies at no cost! There are 2 Blue Bantams and then 5 other little guys. Below are pictures of the venture from inside "babies", to outdoor chicks of the "real world".
Here's a shot of where Georgia and Harry lived for a couple of days.

This is a close up of them.

The first couple of days, the biddies stayed in a little cage on the table.

We put the lights and then covered them to keep them warm.

Notice the light source is in the shape of a monkey!

After a couple of days, they biddies made their way into the pen with the other chickens.

The Ray Roberts' family blessed us by giving some PVC to us. This is how we used it.

This is a picture of what the new chicken runs looked like before.

This is after a day of very hard work.

I put this "Bird Block" over the run to prevent them from flying out. It was actually to put over plants to keep the birds from eating them.

I put the 4 bigger pullets into the new run. When the biddies get bigger, they'll join them. The 2 Blue Bantams will have their own area to themselves.

Here's Darlene checking out her new space.

There will be no laughing at my lack of carpentry skills!

We used this as the gate for the new goats area beside the chickens.

Here are the coops ready for use!