Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Aunt Drexell

When we first arrived at the Hicks', we were met by wonderful homemade eclairs, sausage and cinnabuns.

Simon, Dalton and Elijah played in the yard.

The ladies chatted and prepared the food for cooking.

Aunt Lynley made hamburger patties. Yum Yum.

Uncle Donnie fired up the grill. Notice my Mom, she's supervising.

Elijah always stops for a photo op.

This is a really cute picture of Uncle Donnie. He's so serious.

Some of the kids played inside for a while.

Simon touched something he wasn't supposed to and burnt every finger on his hand. I put some of my Samaritan's Salve on it. It's doing very well, Praise the Lord.

My 2 most favoritests uncles stop for a well deserved break.

And then back to work.

Here's Elijah playing outside.

All the kids eventually made it back outside.

I'm not really sure what Dalton is doing, but he sure is cute.

Simon, uncross your arms and play nice!

Here's a picture of my lovely grandmother. She's admiring the Hicks' garden.

Aunt Drexell brought bubbles for the kids. It was a BIG hit.

Here's Susanna and Chandler checking on the grill masters.

After all the prep was done, the ladies sat down and chatted for a while.

Uncle Donnie and Uncle Jimmy really worked hard out in the heat for us.

Tanner blessed us all with a little music while the meal was getting the finishing touches.

Then Aunt Drexell got in on it. It was so wonderful!

The family sat around and rested while listening the beautiful music.

Chandler's ready to eat! "Where's the beef?"

Cooper juggles balloons very well. You should ask to see this amazing talent.

Jordin, radiant as always.

The food was consumed rather quickly.

Uncle Donnie enjoying the reaping of what he sowed all morning.

Elijah also enjoying the reaping of what someone else sowed for him.

Simon's too busy being nosy to eat. Notice the full plate behind him.

Aunt Lynley eating the meal.

Here's the wonderful, delicious, marvellous and all those other words cake the Hicks'


Aunt Drexell served everyone else cake on her own birthday.

Then she enjoyed hers!!! (note the lack of utensil!)

Here' s Chandler eating his second piece of cake! It sure was good.

Praise to the Lord, who formed and knitted each of us together in our mother's womb. Who knew us from the foundation of the earth and who sent His sent to die so that we might live and know Him. This past Saturday, the Lord blessed us with the chance to celebrate a wonderful life. My Aunt Drexell had her 57th birthday and all the family celebrated that occasion at my Uncle Donnie's house. It was a terrific time filled with laughter, memories, food, music, family and bubbles. God Bless Aunt Drexell and preserve her days so we can celebrate again for 58!

God Bless and Keep You.

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