Saturday, June 7, 2008

An Afternoon at the Park

When we got to the park, both boys were asleep.

I rolled down the windows and read while they slept. 45 minutes later....

... it was time to slide!

YEA Simon!

Next, Elijah decided it was his turn. So he climbed up.

And then worked on getting situated for the slide down.

Still working.

I guess he didn't take notes on how his brother did it.

All the way down on his tummy and he had a marvellous time.

Then swinging was the next fun thing.

He almost flipped out this time.

The monkey bars offered a chance to build strength and to balance.

As always, Elijah is right behind Simon.

Monkey see, monkey do...

Simon's finally on top.

Poor Elijah never made it all the way up. He fell through a few seconds after this picture.

But he wasn't hurt, he just moved on to other toys.

Simon had fun too.

The boys are racing!

I guess Elijah won.

Later, at the Commands study, Simon drove to "Caleb House".

Elijah played at the plastic house.

And then went up the slide.

Simon decided to go swing.

Poor little guy flipped out right as I was taking his picture.

God blessed the little boys and I with almost an entire day of free time. Friday morning we went to Georgia, and stayed all day. We did all kinds of fun things like a walk through the local thrift store, eat lunch out and then spent some time at the park. We finished off the evening by going to our Commands of Christ study. I always enjoy getting together with the body of Christ, especially when sound teaching and edification occur.

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