Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Honor Thy Mother

Through out the Bible people, particularly Christian, are commanded to honor their parents. We see examples of honoring mothers in Ruth & Naomi (even though she is what we would call "mother-in-law", the principle is there), Solomon & Bathsheba and even our Savior has he handed over the earthly responsibility of His mother to John. My Aunt Carolyn also, is setting a wonderful example to me of honoring her mother. Ms. Betty had a stroke several years ago, is suffering from early dementia. She's not comely of words, or even easy to understand, but my Aunt Carolyn makes an effort to ask her how she would like things done, what she prefers and what makes her happy. Aunt Carolyn doesn't assume that just because others live closer, it's their responsibility. She takes an active role in caring for her mother, not treating Ms. Betty like a burden to be carried, but as a precious jewel that needs special care.
Ms. Betty has about 20 cats(your and my opinion about cats aside), they provide Ms. Betty with daily activity and delight. They seems to help keep her active and she knows everyone of their names. Some stray dogs have been harassing her cats and have actually killed a couple and caused Ms. Betty to fall. Well, my Aunt Carolyn wasn't going to have that. So Saturday, the little boys and I had to privilege of helping erect some lattice walls and putting a gate around Ms. Betty's porch.
The following is a pictorial account of that minor construction...
This is all the lattice strapped to the top of my car. It rode for about 45 minutes from Tallahassee to Ms. Betty's home.

That lattice wasn't going anywhere!

This is porch when we got there. Someone had put up this plastic sheeting to discourage the dogs.

The dogs had torn it down.

I put up this gate at the steps of the porch. It swings shut and locks so they can't push it open.

Aunt Carolyn measured and cut the lattice pieces all round the porch. We tacked smaller wood paneling to the lattice to give it strength.

Simon worked on his building skills. In a few years, Elijah and he will be doing this for us.

This is a picture of the front of the porch. These pieces went all the way around to prevent the dogs from getting on the porch.

We're actually going back again the Saturday to put some lattice on the bottom to keep those strays from under the porch. Ms. Betty says she's not has any more problems from those dogs since we put that up. Aunt Carolyn will be blessed by her obedience to God's written Word in honoring her mother.

1 comment:


Hey, Aubry!!

We've tagged you!! See our bloggie for more info.

Oh, by the way, I'm trying to get those baby shower pix to you with in the year- ;P Sorry for the wait! :D
Love you, Adeline